donderdag 28 juni 2012

An introduction

Because apparently warhammer blogs are the next big thing, I decided to make one of my own. A couple of friends and I have started a 'painting campaign' of sorts. Every month, starting July 2012, we will buy/ paint about 200 points worth of models. This way we will be able to slowly gather together a properly painted army in a fun and motivating way and maybe, just maybe!, we might be able to score some actual painting points on the next Grand Tournament/Battle of the Clubs/whateverTheSaintswillthrowatus!

I decided to start up a warriors of chaos army, most likely Tzeentch or Slaanesh.. depending on what the new army book will give us in a few months. I have always been interested in the shenanigans of the good ol' Chaos Gods, but never got round to actually starting an army with them.  I had been looking for a while for a good theme/concept for Warriors of Chaos, and after watching all Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes yet again, I decided I quite like kick-ass women! So this will be the main theme in my army, I am going to try and build a complete army with just female models (either models from alternative games, or converted from excisting Games Workshop models) who will crush their enemies beneath their stylish, yet affordable, boots!

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